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Monday, 1 August 2016

PCV 13% and dropping

Hi Everyone Louis's mum here....

Super quick update:

Louis is back in Rutland after his PCV levels dropped to 13% this morning, he's currently waiting for yet another blood transfusion.

It seems like this nasty disease isn't ready to let go of him yet, and it's feeling like it never will. I'm finding myself becoming jealous of healthy pink gummed dogs I see, I've even asked Olga why she couldn't help Louis, why did she have to have the wrong blood!.. she soon drags me back to normal by trying to give me a good wash! 

Stefano leaves Rutland on Thursday for his new job down south, but he's still trying to find something that will jolt Louis's body back into leaving his red blood cells alone.

He's found a paper about a drug used in America that acts like a Trojan horse when it enters the body, basically it's sneaks up on the cells that are killing his red blood cells and destroys them, but and there's always a but, he's not sure he can even get hold of this drug, or how much it will cost. So we asked for a blood transfusion to buy Louis a bit of time until Stefano can see if he can get this drug.

Hopefully I can pick Louis up tonight and bring him home.

Love Louis Mum


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