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Monday, 4 July 2016

Update from Rutland House

Hi Louis's Mum here........
So today was the day Louis had his operation to remove his spleen, this really is his last chance at some kind of recovery. It won’t cure him of IMHA, but it could slow down the destruction of his red blood cells, to a level that his body will create more than is destroyed. It can also allow Stefano to reduce the drugs significantly which can only be a good thing, as they have devastating side effects.
Louis’s PCV had dropped overnight to 11% this morning from 15% yesterday. They gave him a blood transfusion which was planned and used the cross matched blood we had ordered.
His PCV went up to 19% after the transfusion so was given the all clear to go into the operation.

His surgeon Jan (Yan) called us before he started the operation to introduce himself (as we hadn’t had the chance to meet him), and he reassured us that this is a routine operation for him, and he has done loads. He also said they use a state of the art tool that seals the blood vessels as he cuts them, this reduces the impact of blood loss, especially because Louis is on blood thinning drugs as well.

So Louis went down around 2pm today, and just after 3pm I got the call to say he had sailed through the operation, and the surgeon was really happy with him, and was impressed with how well he came round after the procedure.
Louis was sat up and alert and seemed very happy, they did another PCV test and he was at 25%, which is great.

We now just have to wait to see what happens tomorrow, he is staying in intensive care overnight, and being monitored hourly.
We are hoping his PCV goes up again tomorrow, and that he remains clear from infections, and of course we want him home as soon as possible.
Thank you to everyone who has been in touch and sent get well messages and cards, it’s amazing how many people this brave boy has touched through his blog with his fun and games. I know it is really really early days, and we have a long long way to go, but the fact that he came through the operation is massive to me and I am clinging onto that for today.

Lots of love Louis Mum xxxx


vicki said...

Fingers crossed and that he makes a good recovery

Bossy Boots said...

Wonderful news. Fingers still crossed that Louis recovers well from the op and stays free from infection.
