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Wednesday, 22 June 2016

PCV Falling :'(

Wooooooooofffffffffff Everyone Louis here……..

I’ve not been feeling very well this week, I’m not sure why, but my tummy has been upset and it’s been making lots of noises plus I’ve not really fancied my tea which is not like me because I love my food! Well I actually love Olga’s tea better than mine, but you know what I mean. I’ve also been having really strange dreams, where I have seen flying sweeties, this happened to me last night when Dad was watching the little men running round in the box in the corner.

I was fast asleep and I heard Dad getting up to go somewhere without telling me, so I opened my eyes really quickly – and when that’s when I saw it! A flying sweetie! I snapped at it and I was so fast I manged to catch it! As I chomped and swallowed I heard Mum shouting “Louis noooo! You’ve just eaten a fly!” I looked at her and said “Don’t be silly Mum it was a flying sweetie and it was really tasty plus I just fancied a snack!” I got up to find out where Dad had gone, he knows the rules he cannot go anywhere without me!

Today was my time to go and see Stefano, it’s been 2 weeks since I saw him last, and that means only 1 thing – duck sausages! We had to take Olga because she needed to see Mr Duncan about her leg, hers was just a check-up because Mum said it’s been 4 weeks since she had her operation. Of course she always tries to steal the lime light, so we have to stay outside when she’s with us. Mum went inside to check us in, and I had a drink of water that Dad has brought with us.

Olga was called in so Mum took her and I stayed with Dad, she was only gone a few mins, but wow she made a right racket in there, she’s such an embarrassment, I mean really, does she not care, I have a reputation at this place, and she was ruining it! When she came out, Mum was bright red and looked really angry with her, Dad didn’t help really by saying “Sooooo that went well then?” deary me Dad even I wouldn’t have said that! I went up to Mum and leaned on her (she likes that) and gave her my big teddy bear eyes look, she gave me a kiss and said we were next in. Olga stayed in the car with her toys and water, she couldn’t cause any more trouble in there.

We went in and Stefano was just finishing with another family, so I had to wait until he called for me. It wasn’t long before I heard Stefano, and I set off running to him and I forgot I’d still got Dad attached to me, I nearly dragged him off his chair hahaha. We went into Stefano’s room and he had grabbed a new bag of Duck Sausages as we went in. He asked Mum and Dad how I’d been and Mum told him about my tummy, and breathing and stuff, I was too interested in Stefano opening the duck sausages…. I was hopping about ---come on Stefano hurry up! He gave me two and said I had to wait until he had spun my little red men before I got anymore, so off we went to the spinning room. I was good and gave up my little red men up, Stefano spun it and we all then went back down to see Mum and Dad.

I sat down nicely and waited for my treats, Stefano told Mum and Dad that my PCV had gone down to 23%, which is down 3%. Mum’s eyes started to leak and Dad looked at me and shook his head, I was chomping on my treats and looked up wondering what had been said! Mum gave me a big cuddle and kiss, and Stefano said I had to go back onto the sweeties called Cyclosporine – Dad said he didn’t want me to have because it made my paws sore and it’s a real nasty sweetie. Stefano said that we had to try it again because nothing else was working. Mum was really quiet on the way home, and Dad keeps telling me to pull myself together, 
I’m not sure what he means because as far as I can remember I haven’t lost anything since my tail fell off, so I’m not sure what I have to pull together?

One last thing before I go….

I need to set the record straight! I am not frightened of furries, just because I decided to take the long way round the field last week when I saw a furry doesn’t mean anything, so to prove how big and brave I am, I told Dad to capture my hunting skills at their best, so watch the video below and you will see the massive furry in the back ground! I soon saw it off!

Lots of Love

Louis and Olga


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