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Saturday, 16 April 2016

Duck Sausages and a stay at Rutland House Spa

Woooooooooooffffffffffffffffff Everyone Louis here!!!

Well it seems I am a medical mystery hehehe, I have no idea what that means but if it is that I am super special then yes – yes I am, because my Mum and Nana have always said I am. I’ve been on a journey again this week…

Last weekend I wasn’t feeling very well, so I gave Dad ‘the look’ and he took me back to see Stefano, which meant only one thing – Duck Sausage’s! J Stefano said I needed to stay with him for the weekend because I needed some help drinking and eating, well if he was going to give me Duck Sausage’s all weekend how could I say no! So I was booked into Rutland House for another Spa weekend hehehe that’s what Mum calls it.

Once I was settled into my room Stefano came to see me and we had a chat about what I had to do, which was to have a nice nap, then a drink then some treats – I thought that sounds good I can do that. I really wanted to eat but I felt sick when the food went into my tummy, so Stefano and the Not-Nicky gave me some medicine and then a couple of treats, he then gave me some water in a bag that went straight into my leg – I think Stefano was getting me mixed up with a rabbit because they have those water things hung up on their houses to drink from – erm excuse me I’m not a rabbit!

My new Not-Nicky came in for a cuddle, she was lovely she told me all about herself and she asked me if would do her a big favour – of course I said yes but in return… she had to come and give me big ear rubs every day – in fact 4 times every day! She said she would, so I asked her what she wanted me to do? She said I had to start to get better because she was new and Stefano would be really happy with her if she could get me home again. Well how could I resist I said I would start to try after my first ear rub hehehe..

My Not-Nicky rubbed my ears until I fell asleep, I was dreaming about Mum and Dad and how I really wished they were here to come and take me home, don’t get me wrong I love it at Rutland everyone is lovely and I get lots and lots of cuddles, but it’s not home – although it doesn’t have Olga which is a good thing hehe.. when I smelt something amazing and it only meant one thing – LIVER and the only people that give me liver is my MUM and DAD!!! I opened my eyes and they were stood there with a huge bag of treats and a box of liver, my Not-Nicky had called Mum and asked her to come and see me…. I love my new Not-Nicky, Mum told me her name was Cornelia, but I call her Not-Nicky.

I was so excited to see them, we all went outside in the sun for a picnic and Not-Nicky took some photos of me eating and sent them to Stefano, he said I was a clever boy, and if I was really good I could go home in a couple of days, I think he wants to keep me, but I have told him that I will go and visit him whenever he wants hehe. We stayed outside for a bit and I made Dad give me an ear rub, and we had a wander round then we went back to my room. Mum and Dad said they had to go, but if I could eat more, and drink more, and make some more ‘little red men’ then I would be able to come home.

So over the next day or so I settled down and really tried hard to eat, drink and make my ‘little red men’, Mum and Dad came back to see me and Stefano had said I was allowed to go home because I had been a good boy and he had run out of treats because I had eaten them all!! The cheeky thing hahaha.

Mum said I had to where the ‘shade of shame’ in the car because I kept trying to nibble my feet, I don’t think Mum understands they are really itchy sometimes, but if it meant I could go home then I guess I will have to wear it, but I did tell Dad he had to wait until I was in the car, because I didn’t want everyone in there laughing at me, which he did, I think he knows I’ve been through so much that at least I can keep some of my street cred about me. Mum said he was just going to pay for my stay and then we could go home, I couldn’t wait.

Once we got home Olga was waiting at the door for me, she said she had saved some of her tea for me because she knew I would probably be hungry – I thought - hmmmm why is she being nice to me, of course I went over and had a sniff at what she had left and there was a bit of chicken and a couple of biscuits, wow Olga there’s not much here! - but Mum said it was the thought that counts! – yeah right she could have thought a bit more when she was half way through it to save me some rather than when she was stuffed and there was a tiny bit left!

Dad gave me some chicken and a couple of biscuits which I wolfed down, and nudge my bowl to him for some more, which he gave me, I thought this is great! Dad said I could only have a bit more because it’s better to graze like a cow – little and often! A COW! Dad thinks I’m a COW! Deary me, first Stefano thinks I'm a rabbit that needs a water bottle and now Dad thinks I’m a cow – the world has gone mad!

Over the next few days I was feeling better and better, although Mum was constantly checking my chops, I do love her but when I’m trying to have a nap and she’s got her fingers in my mouth looking at my gums it gets a bit annoying, but like Dad says “Louis mate just let her do it”.

Stefano wanted to see me again on Friday and we had an early appointment because he really misses me, when he called us into his room I headed straight for the cupboard with the Duck Sausages and sat down like a good boy, Stefano gave me a couple (it works everytime), then we went to see everybody upstairs, and they took some of my blood, which I have been trying very hard to make, they then spun it ( the blood not me, I thought they wanted to spin me when they first did this, phew glad I was wrong). When Stefano checked it, he gave me a big smile, “you’ve done good Louis!” – I wasn’t sure what he meant, but when we went downstairs he told Dad that my PCV was 22% which is better than last time. My Dad was so happy he gave me a double ear rub! He then called Mum and we heard her scream down the phone – Dad said “she’s nuts Louis but very very happy!” I thought brilliant TREATS!

I’ve got to go back next week, because I think we have to wean Stefano off me slowly, I heard him telling Dad that this is really good news but we have to be careful and he doesn’t want to let me go yet.. see he really does love me.

When I got home my Nana and Grandad with the see through roof came to see me so did Little John, Alicia and Coriene,  and my Auntie Allison came to see me today, but guess what? – Not one of them brought me a Mcflurry !! I can see I am going to have to trained them all again! Deary me, this I what happens when you leave people for 5mins!

I’ve taken Dad out for a trot round my field this morning, just to give him a bit of fresh air, it’s really different out there now, everything looks brighter and bigger, I said Hi to a few of my mates that I haven’t seen for a while and everyone was asking how I was feeling because I look loads thinner, ermm excuse me I think the world has become a fatter place it’s not me looking thinner – cheeky things!

See you soon
Love Louis and Olga!


vicki said...

OMG!!!! What a turnaround Louis - Well done what a little star you are. Keep it up. Also well done to your Mum and Dad for believing in you and the veterinary profession - many people would have given up. Please please keep getting better.
Doberman hugs from Hudson and Lily (completely spoiled rescue dobermans!)

Bossy Boots said...

You're looking very handsome now Louis. Continue getting better and you'll soon be back home with your lovely family and of course the beautiful Olga :) !!!

Dobermans are the most special dogs in the world. I say so every day!

Lots of love from Audi's mum. xxx